Sometimes when picking up an object it sporadically flies through the air, or when you move the suitcase all the money gets throw across the room, and the worst, disappearing objects. But this game is riddled with bugs and glitches. Dialog is amazing with Wang’s witty comments as you burn stuff and find money. and I was okay with that! The visuals, as with Shadow Warrior’s, aren’t too great, but defiantly get the job done. Somehow it makes cleaning addicting, I spent an hour just burning stuff and another cleaning up the blood. This, for being a cleaning game, is amazing. I decided I’ll do it as a good game, because I sure as hell liked it. So there was two ways I could review this, as a good game or as a bad game. It’s a cleaning game, so there’s defiantly going to be mixed opinions, for example a friend and I LOVE these Cleanup Detail games, while two of my other friends hate them, and I don’t recommend on if I like a game or not, I recommend on if its good or bad. Wow was it difficult to decide if I recommend this or not. And why not use that dinky little device you received to make sure you didn’t miss anything? And remember, clean with honor. and maybe put a few priceless artifacts in there to. Find some bloody money? Put it in the suitcase for an extra reward when you clock out. You use your mop to clean up blood, the incinerator to burn the little bits, and the hazmat bins for the bigger stuff. you are assigned to clean up the temple that was trashed in the beginning of Shadow Warrior, all the bodies, blood, and damn broken glass. OOOHH YOU WANNA CLEANUP SOME WANG? This game does something I thought nothing could ever do. It Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior. There is also a "Cleaner Chest", where the player collects the most valuable artifacts.Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior. In the Office, you can track the success of the assignment by reading reports from other employees who may tell you how you slipped in a pool of blood or accidentally discovered the limbs of an alien in your soup, etc.

In this case, the mop again acts as an indispensable weapon. For example, thoroughly washing the floor, but stepping on a pool of blood, will leave prints on the clean surface. You should carefully move around the location. It should be borne in mind that sometimes dispensers can malfunction and scatter debris, which is why you need to repeat the procedures. Welding devices are used to seal doors and bullet holes. The trash can dispenser is used to carry debris, limbs and various pieces of evidence. Once the neighborhood has been tidied up, Viscera Cleanup Detail lets you use an incinerator to end a hard day's work. Nowhere in the work of a Cleaner without a broom, which sweeps away shells and various debris. From additional equipment: sensor devices show biological activities and a PDA in which notes are kept. The main weapon in the game is the mop, which helps to clear the floor from the pool of blood. It is required to fill out a report on the work done, describe events and report on the number of corpses. The job is not easy! What really adds to the realism is reporting on perfect work. Their tasks include cleaning up garbage at the station, including the dismembered bodies of people and aliens, cleaning the walls from blood and entrails, replenishing first-aid kits, fixing equipment, restoring glass, etc. Sci-fi game Viscera Cleanup Detail allows you to take part in the "Cleaners at Space Station" cleanup team, which is engaged in cleaning up the bloody aftermath of an alien invasion.